

The Laboratory CIIT (Cognition, Interaction and Intelligent Technologies Lab does research about techniques, methodologies and technologies concerning the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Human-Machine Interaction and Computational Cognitive Science.

The Lab brings together scholars from various disciplinary areas within the University of Salerno and from European, American, and Asian universities, leveraging established collaborations with the "Cognitive Systems for Robotics" group at the ICAR- CNR, and with"“Center for Logic, Language and Cognition" at the University of Turin. The Lab also actively collaborates with the  Content Centered Computing Group of the Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Torino, with the ISIS Lab of the Dipartimento di Informatica dell’Università di Salerno, and with the PRISCA Lab of the DIETI, University of Naples Federico II.

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Attività Scientific activities

The research strands of CIIT are organized starting from the identification of the following areas of study.

  • sistemi semantici e rappresentazione della conoscenza
  • architetture cognitive
  • modelli computazionali
  • interfacce e tecnologie persuasive
  • rapporto uomo-macchina
  • tecnologie del linguaggio

Seminari CIIT


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